Wednesday, March 2, 2016

stop serving size of the errors that have to do

Updated. 3 August, 2015.

Do you think you stick to your healthy diet do a good job? That could be. But it is very likely that you eat too much of certain foods. Almost everyone makes mistakes size part, especially trying when you lose weight. These are the foods that they eat too often.

9 Avoid Common Mistakes serving size

  1. Cereal. When was the last time you measured before pouring enter your cereal into a bowl? Have you ever activated the nutrition labeling information to determine the correct serving size? For some crops, is a cup of the recommended dose. However, the American Diabetes Association lists ¾ cup to serve as proposed. If the grain is poured directly into the container, it is very likely that you 2 servings on. (! Like most of us), and when the container is full, you can eat 3-4 servings Quick Fix. Learn how to make a healthy breakfast
  2. Chicken Breast. Lean protein is healthy, right? No, if you eat too much of it. If you eat a chicken breast for dinner, maybe you eat too much. A serving of chicken is to play 3-4 ounces, about the size of a deck of cards. Some people use the palm as a guide. According to the supplier, chicken breasts are twice or even three times the size of a recommended. The calories in chicken breast can ruin your diet and.
    Quick solution: Learn to eat the right amount of protein
  1. . If you are hamburger hamburger as one serving of beef, you are probably low - an estimate of the calories you consume. A quarter pound burger (4 ounces) is slightly larger than the serving size of 3 ounces recommended. But many burgers, served mainly in restaurants, are from 1.3 to 1.2 point. You could double the number of calories you eat think you are.
    Quick Fix: better choices protein weight loss
  2. Coffee Creamer. Your morning cup of java might be the most fattening thing you consume all day, if you taste cream. And it is not off the hook if the fat free variety is used. A single serving of liquid cream is a tablespoon. Do you have the scoop when the cream is added to the coffee? Probably not. If more than the recommended dose (remember - each cup of coffee), then begins the negligible fat in the cream "fat" to increase rapidly.
    Quick solution: learn calorie coffee drinks at home
  1. Cooking spray. You can control the oil or butter skip at home to cook healthy meals. It is good! But you can do, to take into account the calories in your cooking spray. If you use PAM to avoid adding calories to your diet, you may want to know that a portion of the spray is 1/3 second. A stopwatch is kept in your kitchen? It is unlikely to do so. The Center for Science in the Public Interest evaluated the spray and reported that a typical six seconds Spray 50 calories and 6 grams of fat would have.
    Quick Fix: Use healthy ways to reduce fat when cooking
  1. If your package bread -. Even a healthy meal with a sandwich with lean meat, congratulations! It is probably to save caloriefest belly buster to want to find out whether it is a restaurant. But record exactly how the calories in your whole grain bread? If you think your sandwich corresponding one serving, think again. For many bread products, including Pepperidge Farm Soft Honey Whole grain bread, a single serving only one disk is bread.
    Quick Fix: Make a healthy breakfast (tips and recipes)
  2. Fruit. A healthy serving of fresh fruit is a good alternative to a high-fat dessert. But if you count calories or watch your sugar intake, you need to see how much you eat. Take grapes for example. If you are sitting with a bowl of grapes, you can add one serving of grapes to your food diary. Not correct! A (cup) of grapes is only 16 grapes. Record start before Chomping your computer.
    Quick Fix: Reduce losing the sugar intake, weight
  1. , Soda Sugary drinks are one of the easiest things about - consume. Often next to us and mindlessly sip away. But the calories from soda add, even if you drink a day! And for many reasons, diet soda is not a good alternative. A portion of the coke is 12 ounces. But most of us drink much more than we are at the soda fountain. Double Gulp contains 50 ounces a 7-11 and 575 calories.
    Quick Fix: Learn how flavored water to reduce the desire to snack
  2. Wearing. A good salad is a good alternative to a high content of starch, flour high in fat. But dressing can add calories that could make any prudent counter blush calories. By some estimates, hundreds of restaurants salads contain more than 500 calories, mostly due to the fatty dressing. A serving of salad dressing 2 tablespoons. When you order your dressing on the side, your waiter, probably it will take much more than that.
    Quick Fix: Two healthy salad and not do

The simple trick used by Smart Dieters

No matter what type of food you eat, serving size matters. Even if you are eating a "healthy" food, the portion size of the label should match recommended dose of nutrition. This simple step counting calories to avoid mistakes and help reduce food intake in general.

You should also as a measuring cup to measure portions with tools in your kitchen, spoon or (my favorite), to measure a digital scale. Then save foods accurately with a calorie counting application as With this tool, you can customize your share when you add each food. You will be surprised how to measure all your food is a big difference in food intake makes and likely to lose in the way.


Center for Science in the Public Interest. "Calories believe portion sizes Unrealistic, sodium, saturated fat, says CSPI." August 2, 2011.

Diabetes.Org. Food and portion size. American Diabetes Association. Retrieved June 15, 2012 end

Nutrition labeling. Guidance for Industry: Guide to Food Labelling and Drug Administration food .. 15th June 2012 are retrieved.

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