Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The best tapas bars to lose weight

Updated 12th April 2016.

In a perfect world, dieters can crisp green vegetable in small portions of lean protein and fresh berries Munch. But let's face it, your life is not always perfect. His life is full of hectic times when you need a snack bar between meals to keep you satisfied. But what a bite should I choose?

The best tapas bars for diet are not always the tapas bars have the given research or fashion label nutritional sets package.

In fact, many of them are a bad choice if you want to lose weight. Instead, you want to find bars, without offering too many calories much satisfaction.

So if a diet snack bar with children is chosen, avoid the front of the packaging. Find the nutritional value (usually on the back) and scan the material conditions of the labels. Here's what to look out for:

Bar size. Snacks can range in size from 20 grams to 70 grams. Larger bars will be more than satisfactory, but may contain more fat and calories than you need snack time. But small bars, you can not satisfy your hunger and you can eat more than one at the end. about 40 to 50 grams - - to fill in between meals you will probably have an average size bar.

The check macronutrients. To see how many grams of protein, carbohydrates and fat containing the bar.

  • Diet Carbohydrate In a low carbohydrate plan -. Want bar with fewer carbohydrates and less sugar. If possible, try to find a bar that has less than 10 grams of sugar.
  • Fat. Look for a bar with less fat. Most tapas bars contain 3 to 11 grams (or more) of fat. As a basis for comparison, a Snickers contains 52 grams 12 grams of fat. It is reasonable to find a friendly bar with dietary 4.5 grams of fat.
  • Protein. More protein is generally preferred, but not always. Eating protein helps build muscle and help you feel full, but rich in protein bars are usually more fat and calories contained. If you eat the right amount of protein at meals, you do not have calories from protein between meals.

Calories. Calories count the most when it comes to losing weight. However, many healthy snacks have more calories you need to lose weight. So how can they be healthy? Continue reading ...

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